
Friday, August 31, 2007

How Joshua Kulei Helped Loot Kenya

Modus Operandi

It has been reported that over the years, Kulei has represented ex-President Moi in over 50 companies operating in Kenya, across all sectors of the economy.

The local companies in which Kulei has presided as director could not have generated enough dividends to account for liquid cash and assets that he is believed to control. Going by the dividend payout and based on the profits declared for tax purpose, his actual wealth does not relate in anyway to his source of income.

Kulei is a very wealthy person in his own right. About three years ago, Kulei encountered serious problems with the Moi's when Gideon kept convincing his father that Kulei may have more money than him as a result of using ex-President Moi's name. It is understood that this was during the time that Kulei contemplated leaving Kenya to live in London.

Kulei was warned after December 2003 by the DPP that the Moi brothers had a contract out have him killed[1]. According to client information, he was nearly arrested in relation to the Kenya Pipeline fraud.

Kulei has now relinquished all of the assets held under his name on behalf of the Moi family, with the exception of ex-President Moi's flower business, the Trans-National Bank and NAS.

Business Links

Kulei's business links are detailed below. The table illustrates ownership of businesses where:

1. Kulei's ownership has been confirmed by sources

2. Kulei's ownership has been refuted by sources

3. Client material indicates Kulei has a shareholding interest

4. Client material indicates Kulei is a nominee director



Ownership of the following companies has been confirmed by Msamaha:

Trade World Kenya

Kulei 100%

CFC Kenya

Kulei 12.5%

CMC Holdings

Kulei 15 — 20% & client material indicates

Hotel Intercontinental Nairobi[2]

Kulei 19%

Sian Roses[3]

Kulei 40%, Moi 60%

Ngata Flower Farm

Kulei 50%, Moi 50%

Equator Flowers, Eldoret

Kulei 50%

Bamburi Cement

Kulei 14% & client material indicates Kulei also nominee director

KTN (owned by Standard Newspapers)

Moi, Gideon, Kulei

National Milling Company

Kulei, Biwott and six others

Kenya Aerotech Ltd

Moi, Kulei nominee director and ten others

Regent Management

Not Known

Siginon Freight

Gideon 12.5%, Kulei 12.5%, 75% Kabarak High School & client material indicates Kulei nominee director

National Milling Corporation

Seven shareholders including Moi and Kulei

Msamaha alleges that the following companies are owned by those detailed and NOT Kulei:

Stoney Athi River

George Saitoti

Heritage All Insurance Company[4]

CFC Bank

NIC Bank

owned by the Ndegwa Family

Trans-National Bank[5]

Moi, Biwott, Nyachae, Kangwana, Gideon and five others

A Laikipia Ranch

100% Moi

An Eldoret Farm

100% Moi

A Rift Valley Dairy farm

100% Moi

The Kabarak Farm

Given by Moi to University of Kabarak

The Mau Farm

Given to the AIC (Church) by Moi

The Cherangani Farm

Now owned by the government

The Kilgoris Farm

Leased by Moi

American Life Insuaracne Company[6]

Trans-National Bank, Moi, Biwott, Kulei

Kobil and Kenol Petroleum[7]

Moi 50%, Biwott 50%

Nairobi Airport Services

Owned by Moi, Mungai and Ndegwa

Rai Plywood of Eldoret

Moi 6%, 94% Rai family

Safaricom Kenya

Biwott, Charles Field Marsham and Gideon 40%, the Post Office 60%

Africa Cargo Handling

Since sold to Kenya Airways

Kenchic Limited[8]

Moi, Charles Njonjo, P. K. Kani, J Kiereini

Morris and Company

Kulei used to be a director but left in 1992

Capital Project Transport

Boinett 50%, Phillip Murgor 50%

MDI Consultancy

Miles Donnelly

Anhalt Road Apartment

Miles Donnelly

A Dairy farm in the UK

Msamaha refutes ownership

Hotels in the UK

Msamaha refutes ownership

Firestone Africa

No Comment[9]

Kenya Commercial Bank

No Comment

Kamsons Limited

No Comment[10]

DT Dobie Car Distributors

No Comment[11]

The Paper House Ltd

Kulei became director at AGM

Rift Valley Agencies

Gambit Holdings Ltd

Great Rift Transporters

Client Material indicates Sovereign Group owned by Sovereign Holdings Ltd.

Sovereign Group (owned by Sovereign Holdings Ltd, UK)[12]

Kulei, William Smb, N. R. Pavitt, Secretary Grace J. Kipyator

Member Associations

Client material indicates that Kulei sits on the board of governors for the following schools and universities:

· Member, Board of Governors:Sacho High School

· Moi High School Kabarak

· Sunshine Secondary School

· Moi Educational Centre

· Kabarak University Council

· Client material indicates that Kulei is a trustee of the following:

· Sunshine Educational Trust

· Client material indicates that Kulei is member of the management board of the following:

· The Moi Africa Institute, Kabarnet Gardens, Nairobi


United Kingdom

It has been reported that Kulei holds serious investments in London, including a palatial residence in up market London, where his children have always attended school[13]. Further sources confirm that Kulei has two properties in Surrey, the larger of which is owned by ex-President Moi, one of which is the Cobhams property below detailed in the report dated 1 December 2003[14].

19 Eaton Park, Cobham. Surrey KT11 2JF[15]

Kulei took out a loan from HSBC in October 1997 for the amount of £1.63 million. The funds were used for the purchase of the property located in Cobham, Surrey, under the name of Broadlands Overseas S.A ("Broadlands").

In December 2002, Broadlands took out a loan of £1.1 million to refinance the Cobham property. During the same month, Broadlands took out a loan to refinance the property located at Lowdnes Square. The full address is Flat 11, No 49 Lowdnes Square.

Source enquiries have estimated that the total mortgage on the Cobham property is about £1.4 million. According to Msamaha the property is valued at around £4.5 million.

Flat 11, No 49 Lowdnes Square, London

Source enquiries have estimated that the total mortgage on the Lowndes Square property is about £1.4 million. According to Msamaha the property is valued at £2 million.


Courtyard Property Investment Ltd[16]

It has been reported that Kulei took out a loan in January 2001 for the amount of £650 000 from Hoares Bank to purchase property in Nairobi under the company name of Courtyard Property Investment Ltd.

Regent Management[17]

It has been reported that Kulei had huge real estate holdings believed to be about 200 houses in all.

Lavington House

Client material indicates that Kulei owns the property Lavington House. Further enquiries to establish the address are required.

Karen Residence

Client material indicates that Kulei owns a residence in Karen. Further enquiries to establish the address are required.

Nakuru Residence

Client material indicates that Kulei owns a residence in Nakuru, Further enquiries to establish the address are required.


Source enquiries reveal that Kulei owns several unidentified properties in the USA[18].

South Africa

Source enquiries reveal that Kulei has property interests in South Africa[19].


UBP, Geneva & Trans-National Bank, Kenya

Gabriel Moussa Katri, one of the biggest money launderers in Geneva, masterminded the flow of an estimated USS200 million through Trans-National Bank in Kenya to off shore accounts in various jurisdictions on behalf of ex-President Sani Abacha, and it is estimated that at least twice as much on behalf of the Mois.

Katri devised an elaborate system. Rather than send corrupt money straight to banks overseas, he would use local banks in Kenya, such as Trans-National Bank, owned by the Mois, Biwott and Kulei, to send vast sums through Nostro accounts – the bank's forex accounts overseas – and then several months/years later would send the money on and split it between several banks such as UBP.

At Trans-National Bank, Katri worked with Ashok Gohil, Kulei's right hand, who was in charge of forex operations, and who apparently died in 2001. They set up companies in Kenya, such as Ashar Ltd and Chen, with Moi's lawyer, Matula Kilonzo, as the company director. Further enquiries are continuing.

When these vast sums arrived at UBP into the accounts of companies created by Katri, such as Allied Network Ltd, they would go unquestioned. According to banking laws, Nostro accounts belonging to legitimate banks do not require due diligence, unless there are questions raised by the bank in the originating country. Katri himself was never a signatory to these accounts as the companies were in the names of small-scale lawyers and businessmen.

One lawyer, in particular called Phillip Meyer, who was debarred and then reinstated seems to have been used by Katri. Swiss lawyers believe it would be impossible to freeze Katri's assets.

It is thought that Katri might have used wealthy business associates to hide corrupt money, by sending large sums to their bank accounts, only to recycle it back from a different account belonging to the same associate, and dispersing it to several other accounts belonging to Katri companies. This way it became difficult to follow the paper trail, and gave an air of legitimacy to the money.

It is alleged that one of the reasons why Katri used UBP is that he was a shareholder until 2000, when the looted millions belonging to Abacha hit the press. At this time Edgar Pinccotto, the head of UBP, who has been known to engage in questionable business practices, fell out with Katri and forced him to resign. Katri's name was becoming too dangerous for the reputation of the bank. It became clear that Katri introduced 90 percent of the corrupt Nigerian money to UBP, as a shareholder of the bank and a string-puller from within.

Katri would use his position to go direct to portfolio managers to push questionable money through. When necessary either Edgar Pinccotto or his son Guy would intervene and prevent due diligence investigations. Katri presided over multiple accounts at UBP and other Swiss banks for the Abacha's, and it is thought for the Moi's too. Katri then lost his Financial Intermediary License in 2001, when an investigation, conducted by the Federal Authorities of Switzerland, looked into his connection to money laundered through Kenya by Kulei. Katri's finance companies, GK Finance et Commerce and Societe Genevoise d'Investissements Forreiers are still active but their operations have been closed down and the documents have been cleared.

Katri has gone underground since 2001, when a Swiss investigation was launched into his dealings in Kenya. It is understood that he lives in Monte Carlo. Katri has also been connected to the Halliburton scandal in Nigeria through Jeffrey Tessler who he helped to set up an account at UBP five years ago. Tessler, an unscrupulous lawyer from North London, was getting commissions somehow connected to the brides paid out by Halliburton, and new evidence implies he is still receiving commissions.

Although Katri is no longer dealing directly with UBP there is a strong possibility that he continues to maintain contacts within the bank given that his clients still hold accounts therein. It is unlikely they would use another financial advisor on such sensitive matters.

Katri's favourite other banks are the following: Banque Patrimoines Prives, Bahamas; Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild; Discount Bank & Trust Company "The Recanti Bane.

Loan Balances in Kenya

Kulei has the following loans balances in Kenya[20]:

Name of Bank

Account Number

Loan Amount

Msamaha alleges that Kulei has the following loan balances:

Middle East Bank


KSh 25 849 496

Middle East Bank


KSh 19 899 262

Middle East Bank


KSh 29 999 826

Middle East Bank


KSh 29 757 775

Middle East Bank


KSh 19 999 210

I & m Bank


KSh 150 Million

Trans-National Bank


Ksh 27 million


Middle East Bank

Savings and Loans

Ksh 45 million

Middle East Bank

Local House Morgage

Ksh 1 Million

Business Associates

Terer Kulei

It is understood that in New York, Kulei's younger brother Terer - the only brother – manages several properties which Kulei owns in the USA. Within New York, Kulei is believed to maintain very healthy bank accounts, fashioned in the names of himself, for wife and that of his younger brother[21].

In London and New York, Kulei retains the services of top-notch stockbrokers who trade in stocks on his behalf. Terer lives with his family in the USA for the most part of the year, occasionally returning to Nairobi where he is mostly seen in Kulei's Trans-National House offices.

Pankaj Somaia

According to Source A, Kulei's bagman was Pankaj Somaia. Somaia was poised to buy the Avis dealership in Nairobi. Similarly, before the deal went through Somaia received a call informing him that Mrs DT Dobie and Moi wanted to buy the share.

Ketan Somaia

According to Source A, Equatorial Bank was controlled by Ketan Somaia, the cousin of Pankaj Somaia. A lot of the former president's money was deposited in this bank. Ezekiel Oyugi, the permanent secretary in the office of the president and Biwott, also used it. Somaia was Oyugi's bagman. Source A believes that when Oyugi died Somaia held on to his money at the Equatorial Bank.

Oyugi was in charge of procurements, including weapons systems for the Kenyan military. Ketan Somaia was the middleman who enriched himself through arms sales. According to Source A the register of Crown Agents in the UK should be examined to prove this connection.

Josiah Kiplagat

According to Source A, Josiah Kiplagat and separately Kulei arranged about seven or eight private meetings between ex-President Moi and Alnoor Kassam. During each occasion Kassam was advised to bring a briefcase stuffed with KSh2 to 4 million and to leave it behind after the meeting. This was considered payment for access to the president.

Alnoor Kassam

Alnoor Kassam was posed to buy a 25 percent holding of Nairobi's Intercontinental Hotel, held by Kulei. Kassam agreed the deal with Alec Furrer, a Lebanese businessman who was area manager for Intercontinental Hotels. Shortly before the deal was go to through, Kassam received a call to say that Kulei had called on behalf of the then president to inform them that Moi wanted the share. Moi and Kulei paid US$12 million for their share.

Mr Turn

Mr Turn, connected to Kenya Seed Company, is an associate of Kulei, and believed to be close to ex-President Moi.

[1] Msamaha

[2] Source A recalls Kulei owning 25% of the Intercontinental Hotel in Nairobi

[3] According to Source B floricultural enterprises serve as moneylaundering conduit.

[4] Client material suggests Kulei was nominee director on behalf of Moi

[5] Sourcce Enquiries and client material suggest Kulei has a shareholding interest

[6] Cliente material suggest Kulei nominee director and shareholding in association with Moi

[7] Contradicting Msamaha’s later claiming that Biwott has a 100% ownership of Kobil

[8] Client material suggests Kulei was nominee director on behalf of Moi

[9] Although it is alleged that it belongs to Merali

[10] Although it is alleged that it belongs to Deepak KAmani

[11] See Appendix for further detail relating to Sovereign Group

[12] Laundryman

[13] Laundryman

[14] Source B

[15] Source enquiries conducted with Msamaha

[16] Source enquiries conducted with Msamaha

[17] Source enquiries conducted with Source A

[18] Source enquiries conducted with the Laundryman

[19] Source enquiries conducted with Source B

[20] Msamaha

[21] Laundryman"


Anonymous said...

Our Client’s attention has been drawn to the allegation that he 
has been barred from traveling to the United States of America 
together with his family, allegedly because of corruption and 
being involved in the Post Election Violence and impunity.  
These representations were made inter alia in an interview 
Christened “Capital Talk” in K24 television station, and the 
Nairobi Star Newspaper Issue No. 538 of Wednesday, 25thMarch 2009.
In response, our Client wishes to state as hereunder:-

1.Neither he nor his family has most recently applied to travel and or invest in the United States of America. There 
was therefore no reason for the Ambassador to purport 
that our client had been denied opportunity to travel to 
United States of America.

2.Our client has no immediate 
business interest; and has no 
immediate intention to visit and or stay in the United States 
of America himself or his family members and the 
Ambassador’s announcement is in 
vain. The Ambassador stated when waxing about corruption, post-election violence and impunity, that USA is taking the steps it has 
taken to punish guilty parties. Our client pities the Ambassador 
because neither he nor his family 
feel punished in any way by not travelling to USA. Our client is 
happy and content as a resident andnational of The Republic of Kenya.

3.Our Client wishes to state 
emphatically that:-
a)He has not been involved in any corrupt events or actions;
b)He was not involved in the Post 
Election Violence either 
by supporting or inciting or perpetrating violence or otherwise.As a 
matter of fact he was a victim of 
post election violence, and lost 
property to theft and arson 
which include livestock, maize, 
houses and machinery
as well as staff members. These 
facts were already communicated to the Ambassador in response to a 
letter he wrote on the 4th
 February 2008.
c)Further our client was out of 
the country for over 10days and came back to find the 
clashes taking place.
d)There is no cause of him being 
liable for impunity as he 
is in no position to procure the 
environment that would afford him 

e)No competent court has adjudged 
him guilty of any criminal 
culpability for corruption, 
violence, impunity or otherwise.

4.Our client was a Personal 
Assistant to the former President, 
His Excellency D. T. Arap Moi, and is exceedingly saddened to be 
subjected to harassment and 
unwelcome, dishonest, negative 
publicity for having 
discharged his duties as a 
President’s Personal Assistant.
Our client is now retired from 
Government for over 7 years 
and he has neither in the past nor in the present wielded any influence to enjoy impunity 
for whatsoever reason. He 
is neither in the public service 
nor is he a public official.
Our client has no connections or 
close links to any key leader or 
leaders in the Grand coalition 
Government to warrant an 
accusation of corruption, impunity and or violence by association in 
the least.

5.The Ambassador’s announcements 
are neither consistent, 
nor made in good faith.  They are 
made for the sake of cheap 
publicity and the ego of an 
idle Diplomat at the end of his 
career arrogating and assigning himself the role of a prefect and a 
supervisor of Kenyan citizens and 
Kenyan institutions (which in this case include the Police, 
Anti Corruption Commission and the Judiciary).  Our client
maintains this as:-a)The Ambassador had initially said 
the person banned was a sitting 
Cabinet Minister. He subsequently 
changed and alleged itis ourClient without any lawful cause or 
justification. Clearly the Ambassador is confused, does not have a 
clear mind as to the issues he is 
going public about in terms of the person in issue, the grounds for 
the decisions he is purporting in 
his public statements, and the 
occasion prompting his public 
announcement. For instance, 
ourclient has not applied to visit USA in the recent past.  And our 
client’s case is not an isolated
manifestation of the Ambassador’s 
public utterances, made and 
retracted depending on his 
capricious whims.
b)Further the Ambassador’s mention 
that the person in issue 
was a Politician has no reference 
to our client. If the Ambassador 
had made effort to ascertain his facts there would be no senile 
allegation of that erroneous and 
misleading statement.It is a norm 
that previous US envoys have alwaysverified their facts before going 

c)The ambassador has no respect 
for Kenyan institutions. It is 
the Kenyan legal System that would determine if anybody is guilty of any corruption and or any case of 
Post Election Violence and/or 
impunity before a categorical 
statement can be made in the manneras alleged by the Ambassador that 
our client has culpability for 
crime. Further our client is unaware of any police investigation or any of the alleged culpabilities stated by 
the Ambassador.  The Ambassador alleges that there is a preponderance of evidence that our client is culpable for impunity, corruption and post 
election violence.  He does 
not state how the evidence was 
gathered, tested and verified to 
achieve the status of 
preponderance. However, and in any event any process of gathering 
evidence to this effect would be 
acts amounting to USA running parallel and unwelcome 
police investigative system, 
outside the formal Kenyan system tocollect data on Kenyan citizens. 
This is exceedingly strange coming 
from the Ambassador of a country 
that prides itself on the rule of 
law, natural justice, fair hearing and all the civilized attributes offair democracy.  It is even 
stranger coming from the current USA government which has averred to 
maintain an international policy torespect other people and other governments, regardless 
of inter alia race.  USA is clearlythe most powerful country in the world but in good conscience should 
not be a bully through its 
d)Our client has never been 
afforded an opportunity to be 
told what specific allegations 
there are against him to enable himrespond or rebut.  The Ambassador 
has either come up on his own with the allegation of corruption, 
culpability for post election 
violence and impunity or 
otherwise has relied on baseless 
rumors, or has elected to 
publicize the version of publicity he prefers for his ego.  
Attention is drawn to the fact thatthe Ambassador wrote to our client on 4th
February 2008 and our client
responded on 6th February 2008inviting the Ambassador to avail 
material he has for him to give a 
response.  To date the Ambassador 
has not responded, this must be 
because he has no material.The 
announcement he has now made are 
callous and wild coming from him, 
and after our client having offeredhim an opportunity to verify the 
e)The conduct and utterances of 
Michael Ranneberger on our client, and generally, are outside his callof duty and is an appalling misuse of diplomatic immunity to 
orchestrate and propagate 
falsehoods in circumstances that 
the victims of the falsehoods have no avenue to defend themselves and/or cause him to takepersonal responsibility by inter 
alia facing a cause for defamation.Mr. Ranneberger’s conduct is in badtaste, theatrical, less than honest, is perverse and 
cowardly.He is invited to waive his diplomatic immunity if 
his allegations have merit 
in the least and face our client ina court of law.  
f)Clearly Mr. Ranneberger has 
become a hired mercenary in what isevidently an obvious political 
alignment to help his friends 
towards the 2012political prospects. 
Mr. Ranneberger has abandoned the 
cause of USA and has 
redirected his energies to take 
sides in Kenyan current and future politics, and misused his 
diplomatic security and privileges.Our client shall hope that the 
Ambassador’s overdue stay in Kenya will be noticed in his deploying 
country and invited to the much 
needed (albeit undeserved) 
g)The Ambassador would seem to 
have a personal grudge against our client, probably in regard to his extraction as demonstrated in the 
manner in which the Ambassador 
would strut his diplomatic status 
and the office conferred to him by his country to pursue personal 
vendetta in circumstances that 
would amount to abuse of his 
office in Kenya.
h)Our client maintains that 
Mr. Ranneberger’s ( in the extent 
of his inconsistencies, goofs, 
contradictions, misuse of his 
diplomatic privileges, lending 
himself to be used for political 
ends, spite for Kenya’s 
institutions and citizens, 
pursuit of stale allegations and 
disregard for real cases of 
corruption, inability to ascertain his facts , exceeding readiness forcheap publicity ) displays 
everything that a diplomat should 
not do in a host country and 
represents arrogant impunity and 
septic corruption and very possiblyintolerance of person clothed in 
other shades of colour.


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Unknown said...

Hang this guy or Kenyan teach him lessons by mob justice

Unknown said...

Bloody looter kulei . What are we waiting for .come out and teach lesson to all looters of Kenya who has stolen public money